Chaplain @ School

Chaplain at School: Christian schools in particular have a role of chaplain is part of their educational faculty. Obviously these schools range from elementary through

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Chaplain @ Prison

Chaplain at Prison: The prison environment often produces situations that increase a person’s receptivity to hear the Gospel, both for those incarcerated and those working

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Chaplain Police

Being a chaplain is a natural fit for individuals who are caring. Many are facing situations that cause them to be frightened. A listening ear

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Chaplain @ Hospital

Chaplain at a hospital: Being a chaplain is a natural fit for individuals who are caring. Many are facing situations that cause them to be

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There are many expressions of mentoring including through your local church. Mentoring can take place between any age group including peers. Some people do not

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Scholarship Finder

If you have time and a computer you could contribute greatly to a child, grandchild, or teenager from your church. Millions of dollars are available

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Charities are in need of all types of help. Any spiritual gift or talent can find a place of involvement. I know of soup kitchen

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Interim Church Pastor

When transition takes place in leadership at a church that can be disequilibrium.  However, a selfless, Christ-centered, patient minister can keep the chaos from engulfing

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Teacher at a Christian School

Obviously a Christian witness is possible in all educational environments including home schooling, public schooling, and more.  For preaching ministers (and the like) transitioning to

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Funeral Preacher

This is a WIDE OPEN opportunity! Retired or part time ministers could work on developing relationships and skills for conducting funerals and make a real

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