Random Acts of Kindness

No limit to what can be done! Give away, with no strings attached: batteries for smoke dectectors bottled water pay for gasoline car washes pay

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Help for Shut-ins

Many people find themselves unable to get out of the house. Most often these people have health issues preventing them from getting out. Whatever the

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Care Packages

Care Packages:  Only limited by your imagination. There are MANY people to be reached! Do this: as an individual as a family as a small

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Website Design

Churches, non-profits, and charities are often in need of more people to contribute to the improvement of their websites. There are many online training courses

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Charities are in need of all types of help. Any spiritual gift or talent can find a place of involvement. I know of soup kitchen

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Media Team

Your church’s media team is important!  Media is used to help communicate God’s message in ways that people will remember.  More people can be reached

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The media work of a church is important! The public gathering restrictions that began as the coronavirus pandemic took root have emphasized the importance and

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