Shepherd’s Fold Ministries exists to encourage, thank, and bless all ministers of the Christian faith. Whether you’re a retired or active, young or not-young, a pastor, staff member, missionary, chaplain, author, evangelist, educator, or more, we’re here to bless you!
Today Shepherd’s Fold is the leader in addressing issues related to long-term well-being of ministers in the areas of social, spiritual, financial, and physical health.
As you continue in your ministry calling, look to Shepherd’s Fold to walk alongside you!
Begun in 1999 in the hearts of Rev. Gene and Joyce Williams, Shepherd’s Fold began as a ministry to ministers to encourage and uplift them. Through the years Shepherd’s Fold has served thousands of ministers through such events as a “Day of Renewal”, an “Evening of Praise”, Valentine’s Day Event for Widows of Ministers, a list of retreat centers, many teaching events, and now through a Membership that provides help for the long-term well-being of all ministers.