Shepherd’s Fold Ministries is blessed to be endorsed by some of the top leaders in Christianity today.
Bob Russell
Former Lead Pastor, Southeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY
“Brent Van Hook and I became friends more than a decade ago. Over the past ten years we’ve visited in each other’s homes and shared speaking platforms through the Shepherd’s Fold Ministry. Brent is devoted to the Lord’s kingdom and has a heart for retired preachers. He also possesses the creative gifts necessary to be a most effective leader for this much-needed ministry.”
J.D. Walt
Author at Seedbed
Here’s what I love most about Shepherds Fold. The leader, Brent Van Hook is not in it to build up the organization but to build up the hearts, minds, bodies and souls of pastoral leaders. Who will tend the shepherds? Shepherds Fold is doing it. I’m thankful to be one who is benefitting from their care.
Al Gwinn
Bishop (retired), United Methodist Church
“To speak of Brent Van Hook is to speak about integrity, authenticity, excellence, and kinship. He is a committed disciple who loves people, longs for their wholeness in Christ and tireless in his work for the Kingdom.”
Bryan Collier
Lead Pastor, The Orchard, Tupelo, MS
“Brent Van Hook has been my dear friend and chief encourager for nearly 20 years and I can say with full conviction–God created him with the ministry of Shepherd’s Fold in mind. Brent is a passionate pastoral leader with a vision for caring for those who have poured out their lives for others on a daily basis for decades. Ministry to retiring ministers is a great need and I am excited that Brent and Shepherd’s Fold are stepping into this much needed resource gap! I know that God has big things planned for Shepherd’s Fold and Retiring Ministers!”
Dan Boone
President, Trevecca Nazarene University
“I am grateful that God is raising up a leader to care for our retiring ministers. Brent Van Hook has the heart, the skills, and the passion for these great servants of God. I rejoice in commending him to you.”
Brock Gill
Evangelist / Illusionist / Author
“Partnering with Brent in ministry has been a joy. Brent is passionate about serving pastors and making healthy servants and followers of Christ. I lean on Brent for his wisdom and insight when times get tough. I have used his teaching to help other pastors on topics of sabbatical and rest. I trust Brent Van Hook with my life.”
Dwight Gunter
District Superintendent, MidSouth Nazarene District
“The role of pastor is biblical and essential to Christianity. God calls people to be pastors, serving the church and the world. This role is challenging on so many levels, yet God sustains and provides. He often does so through people like Dr. Brent Van Hook and Shepherd’s Fold Ministry. Brent and Shepherd’s Fold is a means of grace to a group of people who serve selflessly in our world.”
Terry Toler
Vice President of Church Relations, Southern Nazarene University
“Leaders like Dr. Brent Van Hook are to be cherished! He embodies the mission of Shepard’s Fold Ministry and his positional leadership is perfectly aligned with his passion; as a provider of encouragement and inspiration to pastors of all Christian churches. While there is no expiration date on encouragement there is a timeliness to when it will have the greatest impact on those in need of it. Shepard’s Fold Ministry seems to come along at just the right time for pastors in need of a safe place, a loving embrace and new confidence to fulfill their calling.”
Michael O'Brien
Christian singer, Solo Artist and former lead singer of newsong
“Brent Van Hook is a Godly brother in Christ who I have known now for several years. I had the privilege to minister along side with him at his church in Wichita 3 or 4 years ago. We struck up a friendship, kept in touch, and I’ve gotten to see firsthand how the Lord has used his gifts in encouraging the body of Christ to seek God first and foremost.
Now, to see His desire with “Shepherd’s Fold” to minister to Pastors comes full circle. Who better than someone who can identify with the struggles one faces in leading a congregation? And also to minister to those who may no longer serve in a church, but can benefit others by their knowledge and insight. This to me is a great need within the body of Christ.
To minister to the ministers: a worthy cause. I pray that this work will bear much fruit.”
Brian Kluth
bestselling author, speaker and national spokesperson
Brent Van Hook and Shepherd’s Fold is committed to loving, caring for, helping, encouraging and empowering ministers to thrive in their active and retirement years. I highly recommend this ministry and all of the help and resources they have available.
Brian Kluth, bestselling author, speaker and national spokesperson for the BlessYourPastor.org and NAEfinancialhealth.org movements.