The struggle to exist & thrive is real. Churches closing. Young ministers leaving ministry or passively quitting (mediocre effort).  Click here for article referencing that 46% of young ministers are considering quitting. All ministers sense a lack of support.  “DEAR YOUNG MINISTER” is making a difference!

Built on the Number 8 model of retired ministers helping young ministers, “Dear Young Minister” takes the top lessons about long-term ministry well-being from Shepherd’s Fold’s ground-breaking research of retired ministers and is applying it to young ministers. This is for ALL ministers of the Christian faith:  staff,  ministry student,  or any other ministry role.

FALL 2023

YOU can support in 3 ways:

1. Give

2. Pray

3. Attend Closing Ceremony

  • Give electronically HERE.

  • Give thru PayPal HERE.  

  • Mail donation to:  Shepherd’s Fold Ministries.  1003 Lexington Drive, Brentwood, TN. 37207


Click HERE to sign up for prayer emails.

Attend the closing ceremony


Fri, Nov.10. @ 10 a.m. Fort Smith, Ark. Wyndham Hotel

We’d LOVE for you to attend this event!

Goal: $30,000

Your gift will be MATCHED dollar for dollar!

You’ll receive a prayer guide each week of the program. 


YOU are invited to the closing ceremonies!

Spring 2023 Update

  • 18 participants from 5 states.  
  • Feedback:  Content is transforming (see testimonies below), but do 1 more Pilot round adding prayer support from board members & others as well as a closing retreat.  

Jason Morris

Beau Hamilton
